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论文题目 第一作者 发表年度 期刊名称
Myocardial 18F-FDG Uptake after Exercise-induced Myocardial Ischemia in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease〔18F-FDG摄取可检测运动诱发缺血后的心肌缺血记忆现象〕 窦克非 杨敏福 2009 Journal of Nuclear Medcine
Prehypertension and risk of cardiovascular disease in Chinese adults〔中国成年人与高血压前期与心血管病的风险〕 顾东风 2009 Journal of Hypertension/J Hypertens
Readthrough of nonsense mutation W822X in the SCN5A gene can effectively restore expression of cardiac Na+ channels〔通读SCN5A基因W822X无义突变对心肌细胞钠通道拯救作用〕 滕思勇 2009 Cardiovascular Research\CARDIOVASC RES
Serum Uric Acid and Hypertension in a Chinese Community: a Prospective Study and Meta-analysis〔血浆尿酸水平与高血压的关系及荟萃分析〕 张伟丽 2009 Clin Chem
VEGF receptor-2 gene variants are associated with susceptibility to stroke and recurrence〔VEGFR-2基因与卒中易感性和复发风险的关系〕 张伟丽 孙凯 2009 Stroke
Atrovastin treatment improves survival and effects of implanted messenchymal stem cells in post-infarction swine heart〔阿托伐他汀处理改善猪急性心肌梗死后间充质干细胞移植的存活率和疗效〕 杨跃进 2008 European heart journal
Hypertension and cardiovascular diseases intervention in the capital steel and iron company and Beijing Fangshan community〔北京首钢和房山社区高血压和心血管疾病的干预〕 陈继春 2008 Obes Rev.
Hypocretin-1 potentiates NMDA Receptor-mediated somatodendritic secretion from locus ceruleus neurons Hypocretin-1〔诱发蓝斑神经元NMDA多媒体介导的神经树突释放〕 谌小维 2008 The journal of neuroscience
Interactions among genetic variants from contractile pathway of vascular smooth muscle cell in essential hypertension susceptibility of Chinese Han population〔血管平滑肌细胞收缩通路调节相关基因之间交互作用与中国汉族人群原发性高血压的关联研究〕 赵琦 2008 Pharmacogenet Genomics
Long-term survival of patients with viable and nonviable aneurysms assessed by 99mTc-MIBI SPECT and 18F-FDG PET: A comparative study of Medical and surgical Treatment〔18F-FDG PET心肌代谢显像评估左心室室壁瘤心肌存活性的长期预后价值:药物治疗和手术治疗的对照研究〕 张晓丽 2008 J Nucl Med
Lysophosphatidic Acid Protects Mesenchymal Stem Cells Against Hypoxia and Serum Deprivation-Induced Apoptosis〔溶血磷脂酸保护无氧无血清诱导的骨髓间充质干细胞的凋亡〕 陈静海 2008 Stem Cells
No Association of PLIN Polymorphisms with Hemorrhagic and Ischemic Strokes〔PLIN基因多态性与缺血和出血性脑卒中的关联研究〕 宋卫华 2008 Stroke
Heritability of Blood Pressure Responses to Dietary Sodium and Potassium Intake in a Chinese Population〔中国人群血压对膳食钠和钾摄入反应性的遗传度研究〕 顾东风 2007 Hypertension
Mef2c iS an essential regulatory element requiredfor unique expression of the cardiac-specific CARK gene〔Mef2c是心脏特异表达基因CARK的关键调控元件〕 王虎 2007 Journal of cel 1.M01.med.
Po1ymorphisms of ACE2 Gene are Associated With Essential Hypertension and Antihypertensive Effects of Captopri l in Women〔ACE2基因多态与女性高血压及卡托普利降压效应相关性研究〕 樊晓寒 2007 C1inical Pharmacology—Therapeutics
Polymorphisms of KDR Gene Are Associated With Coronary Heart Disease〔KDR多态性与冠心病相关〕 汪一波 2007 Journal of the american college of cardiology
Renalase gene is a novel susceptibility gene for essential hypertension:a two-stage association study in northern Han Chinese population〔Reenalase基因是高血压新的易感基因:中国北方汉族人群两阶段的关联研究〕 赵琦 2007 J Mol Med
The role of inflammation in coronary artery calcification〔炎症在冠状动脉钙化中的作用〕 李建军 2007 Ageing Res Rev
Association of α IA adrenergic receptor gene variants on chromosome 8p21 with human stage 2 hypertension〔8号染色体p2 1中α1A肾上腺素受体基因变异与人类2期高血压的关联研究〕 顾东风 2006 Journal of Hypertension
Association Study With 33 Single—Nucleotide Polymorphisms in 1 1 Candidate Genes forHypertension in Chinese〔11个候选基因的33个单核苷酸多态性位点与中国人群高血压的关联研究〕 顾东风 2006 Hypertension