- English
On April 16, 1956, the Chest Hospital of the ChinesePeople’s Liberation Army (the 310 Hospital), later known as Fuwai Hospital, a specializedchest hospital for medical care, teaching and research, was biult up based onthe 122 Sanatorium of Chinese People's Liberation Army by elites from PekingUnion Medical College Hospital and the Army.
In 1958, the hospital moved to Fuchengmen, where isthe current location for Fuwai Hospital, and was renamed as FuchengmenwaiHospital. In July 1958, the hospital became affiliated with the Chinese Academyof Medical Sciences and was officially named as Fuchengmenwai Hospital of theChinese Academy of Medical Sciences. In 1961, the hospital was identified as ahospital specializing in cardiovascular diseases.
In May 1962, the hospital was also designated as theInstitute for Cardiovascular Diseases, making it a hospital specializing cardiovasculardiseases which integrates both hospital and research institute.
In1994,hospital was renamed as Fuwai Cardiovascular Hospital, Chinese Academy ofMedical Sciences.
In1996, it was assessed as the first batch of triple A, first-class hospitals.
In September 2004, the Ministry of Health,Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Treatment Research Center was founded,marked the beginning of our hospital to be a national hospital specializing incardiovascular disease, integrating medical care, scientific research, medicaleducation and disease prevention.
In 2009, the State Commission Office of Public SectorsReform formally approved the establishment of the National Center forCardiovascular Diseases(NCCD). In 2010, the National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases settled atFuwai Hospital. In 2013, theNCCD was ushered in real operation, forming the "hospital-center"structure. In 2015, principle leaders of NCCD, Shengshou Hu appointed as director and Huijun Li appointed assecretary of the Party Committee deputy director, took office.
In 2011, the State Key Laboratoryof Cardiovascular Disease settled down in Fuwai Hospital.
In2013, National Center for Clinical Research in Cardiovascular Diseases settleddown in Fuwai Hospital.
In2014, hospital was renamed as Fuwai Hospital CAMS becoming a center of bothclinical and medical research focusing on prevention and treatment ofcardiovascular diseases, with multiple disciplines developing coordinately.